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Working with Elastic file system on aws

Elastic File System(EFS): Amazone EFS is cloud based storage service that provide by AWS.This is

designed to scalable, elastic, concurrent with some restrictions, and encrypted file storage for use with

both AWS cloud services and on-premises resources.

EBS and EFS are both faster than Amazon S3, with high IOPS and lower latency. ... EFS is best used

for large quantities of data, such as large analytic workloads.


EBS only accessable for single EC2 Instance with avilable regions.

EFS allows mount file system across multiple Instance and multiple regions.

Amazon S3 is an object store good at storing vast numbers of backups or user files.

Creating a EFS

Step 1:Navigate to Storage service find EFS click on it and create on create file system.

Step 2: create file system

Step 3: Now launch an Instance(Amazon Linux 2 AMI) and make sure you have choose EFS file

system. lets do it.

1. Go to AMI choose your Instance

Step 4:

launch instances Amazon Linux 2 AMI----> configure it

1: Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), find an Amazon Linux 2 AMI at the top of the list and

choose Select.

2: Choose an Instance Type, choose Next: Configure Instance Details.

3: Configure Instance Details, provide the following information:

Leave Number of instances at one.

Leave Purchasing option at the default setting.

For Network, choose the entry for the same VPC that you noted when you created your EFS file

system in Step 1: Create your Amazon EFS file system.

For Subnet, choose a default subnet in any Availability Zone.

For File systems, make sure that the EFS file system that you created in Step 1: Create your

Amazon EFS file system is selected. The path shown next to the file system ID is the mount point that

the EC2 instance will use, which you can change.

The User data automatically includes the commands for mounting your Amazon EFS file system.

Choose Next: Add Storage and tags

Name your instance and choose Next: Configure Security Group.

4: Configure Security Group, set Assign a security group to Select an existing security group. Choose

the default security group to make sure that it can access your EFS file system.

Type: SSH

Protocol: TCP

Port Range: 22

Source: Anywhere

Choose Review and Launch.

Choose Launch.

Select the check box for the key pair that you created, and then choose Launch Instance

Step 5: If you have choosen linux system then you can attach it.

Step 5: after complete connetion of Linux box use these cmds to mount the EFS. and now you have


$ sudo mount -t efs -o tls fs-02a50bb6:/ efs

$ sudo mount -t nfs4 -o

nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport efs

After this operation we will mount aur instacne to the EFS.

so we have completed it.

Hope you learn more...

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