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Top 9 Ways to Hack Facebook.

Updated: Nov 9, 2021

First, let's dispel the myth that any hacker can bypass social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Many of us are misled by the term of hacking. They think hacking means steal someone's password and gaining unauthorized access but hacking is so much more.

When we try to learn hacking Facebook we need to understand some things how Facebook works means understand the functioning of the website, find about Facebook's database management systems, scripts used, use of cookies, language use to build the website.

Then need to find out vulnerabilities in the the website in our case that is Facebook or Instagram.

Then need to code exploits to break through the obstacles and gain privileges into Facebook's system, using suitable payloads. Then we need to check their database and the passwords will be encrypted in Facebook's own way, we need to decrypt the passwords, then the last step is to set a backdoor for easy access next time, and we must need to clear our traces so that we don't get caught.

This is where social engineering steps in. With time the level of security in technology fields is getting stronger. The encryption has reached the unbeatable stage with 256-bit encryption, cracking a password will take practically forever (thousands of years). But it is very easy to make fool a human brain.

Humans are the weakest point in any security system.

Humans are normally stupid, not, a better word would ignorant, they don't aware of how stuff works. Most users have no idea what Facebook or Instagram is doing for their account's security, and they easily ruin each and everything of Facebook's/Instagram's effort to protect their privacy by their carelessness.

Here are some Facebook and Instagram hacking methods and techniques.

1. Phishing Attacks.

Phishing is the most common method to terminate someone's Facebook account. The most popular type of phishing is creating a fake login page and sending the link of page by e-mail or SMS or social media. The login page will look exactly like the Facebook login page.

Check the URL please. It's not real Facebook

If the victim logs in, the credentials (id and password) will be sent to attacker not in real Facebook. This process is a bit difficult because we need to host a website and create a login page. But some tools really made it kids play. We have some tutorials which makes phishing very easy. Tools like Modlishka can even bypass two factor authentication on a phishing attack. Check following :

Shellphish -- Simple Phishing Toolkit | Phishing Page Creator Modlishka -- Advanced Phishing | Bypass Two Factor Authentication Weeman -- Phishing with http Server over Internet ZPhisher -- Advanced Lazy Automated Phishing Script

2. Keylogger

Keylogger works can be simply understood by their name. Yes, it logs all the keystrokes on the keyboard that the user makes, without their knowledge. When a user types their username and password keyloggers capture it.

Hardware Keylogger

Keylogger is generally two types "software keylogger" and "hardware keylogger".

  • Software Keylogger:- Software keylogger is a program that has to be downloaded (or sent by anyway) and install on the victim's computer or mobile phone. It will automatically start capturing the keystrokes of the keyboard. After the device is turned on this program starts its work, and runs in the background to be undetected. Software keyloggers send the details of keystrokes to the attacker by email.

  • Hardware Keylogger:- The work is the same as software keylogger but the method is different. A hardware keylogger is a USB/ps2 tool that connects between a USB keyboard and the computer. The USB port of the keyboard is plugged with this hardware and then it connects to the computer. It captures and saves the keystrokes in its inbuilt memory, an attacker needs physical access to the victim's computer. Some premium hardware keyloggers have Wi-Fi enabled which can email captured keystrokes or can be accessed remotely over Wi-Fi.

3. Reset The Password/Recover Account

Resetting the password is the easiest method to hack someone's Facebook account. This will be very easy if the attacker is the victim's friend or personally know the victim. Attackers need to know the victim's email id, then they click on "Forgot Password" and type the victim's email. When the account comes up they click on "This is my account".

Then if it asks to reset the password by email. This will not work for the attacker. The attacker needs to choose "No longer have access to these ?"

Then depending on Facebook's recent policy attacker might need to choose the pictures of friends uploaded or answer the security question or type an email that isn't linked to any Facebook account.

In this method of Facebook hacking if an attacker is a close friend of the victim then it will be great for him. An attacker just needs to make an educated guess.

4. Hacking the Email

If the attacker terminates our email address then he can easily access our Facebook account by just resetting our Facebook password.

But how the attacker can get into our email address? By phishing or any other social engineering, attackers can get the password of our mail address.

5. Easy Passwords

People are getting smarter, now these days very few people choose 12345678 or 00000000 as passwords. But for easy remember they choose easy passwords, like birthday, old or current mobile numbers, nicknames. These types of passwords are very easily hacked.

6. Man in The Middle

If an attacker gets close to his target, he can use man in a middle attack (MITM) by creating a free fake Wi-Fi network, When the target connects with his network attacker can steal credentials. Tools like Wi-Fi Pumpkin make it easy to create rogue Wi-Fi access points.

Man-In-The-Middle Image Copyright

Once the victim connects to that Wi-Fi attacker can inspect the data packets sends and receives between Facebook and the user. Because all data is trafficked through the attacker's Wi-Fi. Tools like Wireshark and Ettercap may help a lot.

7. Looking for passwords

Our Facebook can be hacked if someone is peeping from behind, watching us type our passwords.

Another way of looking at passwords is by checking the victim's personal computer physically. A common man always saves the username and the password in the browser in his personal computer for easy access next time, but the password can be seen very easily if the attacker has access to the victim's personal computer. The attacker will check the advanced settings and privacy section of the browser.

8. Low-Security Websites

Here the question comes how our Facebook account can be hacked by a low-security website? Again we need to scan the human brain. Most common internet users have accounts on multiple websites. To remember passwords easily users use the same passwords everywhere.

Here is a chance if any old (not updated) or low-security website's database got hacked then the attacker can try those hacked passwords to log in to our Facebook account.

9. Viruses or Malware.

Sometimes in our devices such as phones and computers may be infected with malicious software like viruses, malware, or spyware. These types of apps send all saved passwords and cookies in browsers to the hacker. In this way, our accounts can be terminated.

So, in this way, our social media like Facebook can be hacked.

This tutorial is for new learners who are new in this field. Everyone should have a clear idea of how Facebook, Instagram, and other social media account can be hacked and how to be safe.

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