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Profil3r - Search Anyone on the Internet

There are lots of open-source information available for free on the internet. This information can be about anyone like a person or an organization. Scrapping that information and gather it for analysis is known as OSINT (Open-source intelligence). These type of information gathering are usually done by security researchers, hackers, pen-testers, etc.

The tool we are going to talk about is Profi3r by Rog3rSm1th.

What is Profil3r?

Profil3r is python based OSINT tool that allows you to find potential profiles of a person on social networks, as well as their email addresses. This program also alerts you to the presence of a data leak for the found emails.

Basically, this tool searches for the given username on lots of websites and gives you a detailed report of all the websites where the username found. If your email is leaked in some data leaks recently this tool will also alert you.

Let’s see how to install this tool.

How to Install Profil3r?

As profil3r only requires python as prerequisite, it can be installed in any device like Linux, Termux, Windows, etc

The procedure of installation is same for every platform.


  • Python 3


Type the following command in terminal

git clone

cd to profil3r directory

cd Profil3r/

Run the file

python3 install

These commands will install Profil3r on your device.

You can search about the username on all these different applications and websites.

How to run?

Now that we’ve installed the profil3r, It’s time to run it.

To run the profil3r type command-:

python3 john doe

You can use any username in the place of “john doe”. Below attached an official GIF to show how it works.

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