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Metagoofil - Extract Information using Google

The Metagoofil is an information-gathering tool. This is a free and open-source tool designed to extract all the metadata information from public documents that are available on websites. This tool uses two libraries to extract data. These are Hachoir and PdfMiner. After extracting all the data, this tool will generate a report which contains usernames, software versions, and servers or machine names that will help Penetration testers in the information-gathering phase. This tool can also extract MAC addresses from Microsoft office documents. This tool can give information about the hardware of the system by which they generated the report of the tool.


Step 1: Open your kali Linux operating system and install the tool using the following command.

git clone
cd metagoofil

Step 2: Now use the following command to run the tool.


The tool is running successfully. Now we will see some examples of using the tool.

Example 1: Use the metagoofil tool to extract PDFs from a website.

python -d -l 100 -n 5 -t pdf -o newflipkart

In this way, you can extract PDFsf and information on files from a website.

Example 2: Use the metagoofil tool to extract pdf from a website.

python -d -l 20 -f all -o micro.html -t micro-files

In this way, the tool will find all the details of the tool. You can find the details, if any, available on the website.

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