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Load Balancers on aws

Load Balancers: To control the traffic request aws provide a service that is load balancer. It will

distributes incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances in multiple Availability Zones.

Load balancer detects the unhealthy instances and route the traffic only to healthy instances.

Creating a Load balancer:

Step 1: navigate to EC2 service and find load balancer on left pannel. ---> click on create a Laod


Select HTTP/HTTPS service .

Step 2: Fill the basic configuration with name, interface, listeners, VPC avilable zones.

Note: If you choose HTTPS listners then it would call for domain that you should create further.

otherwise you can go further settings.

Step 3: Configure Security Settings

If you don’t have certificate then request a new one by given option on beside.

Step 4: Validation of certificates might take some time(~1 hour) after completion of this process go

back to your load balancer then add a certificate.

Step 5: click on next to configuration routing ---> select your route or leave it as by default.

Step 6: click on next to configure Target register ----->select your registered domain and instance.

Step 7: click on review and create

Now you have done. congrats.

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