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How To Stay Anonymous Using Kali

Updated: Oct 24, 2021

There are various ways to keep your identity concealed over the internet. Still, we cannot achieve complete anonymity but we can try our best to keep you unreached.

If you're using kali and you want to be hidden. Then we don't advocate you to do anything illegal but if it is for anything within the law.

We can move further with different aspects in which you can be anonymous.

  • If you're surfing over the internet and you want to be anonymous then you can use Torr Browser which is the ultimate Onion Router and conceals your identity over the internet.

  • If you're using any command-line tool then you need to use a proxy server. You can use proxy chains for a more secure environment.

  • You should also use a secure and reliable VPN connection so that your data cannot be sniffed during data transmission.

  • Try not to use a personal internet connection instead, use a safe and reliable public WIFI connection. Also, be aware of unknown open wifi services.

Now, let's see how to configure Torr over your Linux distro.

Step 1: Need to install Torr over Kali Machine.

kali@kali:~$ sudo apt update 
kali@kali:~$ sudo apt install -y tor torbrowser-launcher 

Use these commands to install tor on Kali Linux and if "Unable to fetch some archives" this error comes then use :

kali@kali:~$ sudo apt install -y tor torbrowser-launcher --fix-missing

Step 2: Run the Torr browser.

kali@kali:~$ torbrowser-launcher

Now, we will move further to connecting kali to the proxy server using a tool named squid.

Step 1: Installing squid.

Enter the following command to install the Squid server:

kali@kali:~$ sudo apt install squid

Step 2: Start and enable the squid server.

sudo systemctl start squid
sudo systemctl enable squid

Step 3: Check the status of the squid server.

sudo systemctl status squid

Now your proxy server is running.

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