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Deploy a Web Application on AWS

Ceating a Web app using Elastic beanstalk

Elastic beanstalk service provided by AWS it has very Internactive Interface and we are able to create a Static or dynamic web app by just creating the collection of code or just upload your application in it.

we are creating a Static then we go for dynamic webapp.

Step 1: Go to compute ---->Elastic beanstalk----> create an Application.---> name you webapp

“ Theblackthreattestwebapp-env ”

Step 2: configure your settings then click on upload your application.

(It will take some time to setting up )

I have used a sample application-1 we can run it as publically.

Step 3: Now click on applicaiton then select you web app.

Step 4: click on the url that shown on above to view your upladed app.

Don’t bother about warning it will just about health of our application server later on we will solve it.

Click on the url

Here is my application that run on publically.

So we have done the Static Part.

Creating a Dynamic Web application.

To create Dynamic web page we need to create a database on AWS and then it must connected to the

Web app which is running on the Instances.

Step to produce : 1. create an Instance

2.Create RDS and Connect to the Webapp by configrating the Databse.

3.create elastic beanstalk.

Creating RDS database service.

Step 1: Got to Database----> RDS --->select Mysql service

Step 2: Selet MySql service---> create a RDS named “FreelanceDB”--->then set it for following



Template(free tier)

settings --> databse name

leave all things as default and create database.

Creating Application on Elastic Beanstalks

Step 1: First Create an Instance or just go through the Elastic Beanstalk. AWS autometic create an

instance for you.

(Sample PHP code for webapp:

download the file on zip format and upload it on EBS as it is.

Step 2: create an applcation and upload it on Elastic beanstalks. and then select for PHP

I have created a sample php page “Named freelance”

Step 3: click on the application---->click on Enviroment name ---> left panel find Configuration----->

Click on Configuration To create another security group in the environment, you should do the


Open the Elastic Beanstalk console and find the management page of your environment. --->Select

“Configuration” and choose “Modify” for “Instances”--->Select the required security group that you

need to attach to the instances and apply--->After reading the warning, press “Confirm”

Syep 4: To connect to the database scroll down and click on Database---Edit

It will fetch you RDS databse and then we cna set up the credentials. put your username and

Password form RDS database which you have created before. ----> Apply.

Step 5: After configuration of Database and Software modification save it and go to the application

select your wep applicatio and then upload you file here. and click on deply.

Wait for some time and after a while your application is able to run and is automatiallay connected to

the database. For test Just check its working or not. go to the contact page and fill rhe form it will

connect to the server.

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