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Clearing Footprints

Hello everyone ! In this Blog, I’m Writing that,“How you can cover your Tracks ?” If You have hacked A system or a server that is running on Linux and Windows software and harmed that server then you need to clear your footprints to avoid catching by police. So you will save yourself.

Let's Starts with some commands

To clear “auth.log”

$ echo “” /var/log/auth.log /var/log/auth.log

To clear “Current user bash Directory”

$ echo “” ~/.bash_history /home/theblackthreat/.bash_history

To Delete “Bash History”

“Clear current session history”

$ history -c

“Set history max lines to 0 — -> “$export HISTFILESIZE=0”

“Set history max commands to 0 — ->“$ export HISTSIZE=0”

“Disable History Logging (need to logout to take effect) — ->”$ unset HISTFILE

“Kill all current session process — -> “kill -9 $$”

“Permanently send all bash history into Null void ‘Like Black hole’/dev/null — -> ln /dev/null ~/.bash_history -sf”

thanks to all who reached here you can post your knowledge here as well.

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