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Build Your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and Launch a Web Server.

Building the Virtual private Cloud:

VPC : Virtual private cloud service allows us to create a virtual network for instance and services it

allows to isolated services that we define we can use both IPv4 and IPv6. this service lies in network

and content delivery section

To create a VPC we need to go for some steps other wise AWS allows us to default VPC.

Step 1: Go through the navigation bar and Find Netwrk and Content delivery then click on VPC.

Step 2: Click on Create VPC

IPv4 CIDR block

You must specify an IPv4 address range for your VPC. Specify the IPv4 address range as a Classless

Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for example, A CIDR block size must be between a

/16 netmask and /28 netmask.

You can provide IPv6 but in my case i have small network so I’m creating it with IPv4.

Step 3: Create VPC we have created it so far but we need to understand it properly.

Subnet: A subnet is a range of IP addresses in your VPC. After creating a VPC, you can add one or

more subnets in each Availability Zone. In my case i have 6 Availability IP’s Subnets I’m selecting a first one for my small subnet.

Then click on Create subnet. ---> Select your VPC ID

Fill all required inputs

then click on Create Subnet.

You can share your subnet as per your demand.

So i have set up with my subnet in VPC

Route Tables:

After this go through the Routing table to transmission of data and service over internet.

Step1: Go through the route table then click on you VPC

Step2: create a route table

Now we have successfully set up with route table

Now lets go with the Internet gatways.

An internet gateway is a horizontally scaled, redundant, and highly available VPC component that

enables communication between your VPC and the internet.

To use an internet gateway, attach it to your VPC and specify it as a target in your subnet route table

for internet-routable IPv4 or IPv6 traffic. An internet gateway performs network address translation

(NAT) for instances that have been assigned public IPv4 addresses.

Step 1: create a gatway. named it and

Step2: top right corner click on action and then click on attach to VPC

Step 3: select your VPC and then attach it to the gatway.(you can do it by CLI interface as well.)

Now we have successfully connected the gateway to the VPC.

So now i’m not going through others these set is enough for my webapp which we will be creating so

For more security of your VPC connection go through the


we can Connect it to ACL(Access controll layer ) and Security group.

Step 1: Go to security ---> Create network ACL

Configure with Security Group in VPC.

Step 1: go through it and then check your VPC then click on Create Security Group.

Step 2: add your security group name and the vpc that you want to secure

after this add inbound and outbound rule by all TCP

Step:3 click on Create Security Group.

We can set Network firewall to enhance more security.

Optional: Go to and create VPC wizard

enter vpc name “theblackthreat”

advantage of wizard it will automatically set up all Settings on VPC so saving much time

Creating A Windows IIS-Webserver on AWS

Windows webserver is used to host web application over internet AWS provide services to host own

webpage private and publicly.

To Create a server we need to start a new instance into the VPC that we had created earlier.

Step 1: Go to EC2 ---> Select New Instances (Windows) ---> choose Instance Type(i.e Free tier)

Step 2: Click next and Configure you Instance

(Note: I’m creating instance inot my own VPC that is thebalckthreat because we have already setup all

service into VPC so I’m Selecting this to reduce time if you haven’t do this go previous pages and Do


Step 3: Add your storage mine is 30 GB and it is Enough for me.(but large organization change it

accordingly.) ---> add security group that you create previously.

Step 4: Review and launch it.

Step 5: Create a key pair for connection to the RDP(Remote desktop Protocal) connection and

Download it.

Step 6: now connect it and then get the password using key pair.

Step 7: Start you “filename.rdp” on Your System.

Troubleshoot to connection:

(Make sure you have enable the DNS hostname onto VPC otherwise it will not be connect.)

To do this go to your VPC select it and go to action and click on DNS hostname and enable it.

(Make sure you have connected elastic IP to do this just go to Elastic IP’s on EC2 and Associate it with

your instances.)

Step 8: After your instance is running then set for your webserver.

GO to Server Manager---> add role and features

Click on Next and set it all as per your requirement I’m Server role --->web server.---> click on Add

features.---> Features ---> leave it as default---> next---> install.

after completing the instalation process we it will look like this.

Step 9: Click on window button---> click on Windows administrative tool then find Internet

information services(IIS) click on it

Step 10: click on Default webpage that is on left navigation bar you can find more services you can

choose so .

Click on Explore and set up yuor ow web page here. ----->> one default file just remove it and create

you own site here.

I have deleted the default file and created my owns

it will run on my machine.

It will showing that there is an error because we didn’t given our webpage name. this will shows that

our site seurity is running properly.

Hope you learn more...

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