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AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

Working With AWS-Identity and Access Management.

AWS -IAM user enable to manage access to the services and resoureces securily on AWS. IAM user

can change the access management for the clients or the user and groups.

Root User have access to control the access for IAM user and he can create one or more IAM users into

there account to access the services.

Creating A IAM User into Root account

Step 1: Click on the user account and go on My security Credentials.

Step 2: On the left Navigation Pannel you can see the Users, groups, Role .... click on Users.

Step 3: Add user ---> add name of the user or [username]

We can give access to the user for CLI interfaces by enables the access keys ...

GIve you credentials then click on Next permissions.

Step 4: you can add user to the groups if you have created it so far. In My case I’m not adding

anything here. Now most impartant thing is Policies we can give access to the user by creating custom policies.

Click on Create policy or use can use default as well.

I’m giving “AmazonEC2FullAccess” “IAMFullAccess” and “AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess”


Step 5: click no next--->Create User

Now we have succesfully created a IAM user. to check logout from the session and againg login as a

IAM user.

Login as IAM.

We have privillages to create Comute machines, VPC’s and Create databases.

Lets create Instance using IAM user.

Step 1: GO to EC2 ---> select your instance machine and then choose your type of Instance.

Im using my free tier Instances.

Step 2: Launch instances.

(I’m Creating a Windows Machine named windows-IAM-01)

Step 3: Repeat the above process to create instance

Step 4: Create Default VPC as we haven’t created earlier.

create VPC and then click to further.

Go to reapeat process after instance will be created then start it onto your machine.

Connecting this machine via RDp client.

Step 5: Download RDP client file and dycrypt your password. and connect it to your host.

It will connect to the Server and now we have created the Instance using IAM Accesses.

We can host a webserver as well by doing the same thing as above mentaioned.

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