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Accessing relational database using Windows and Linux machine.

1 st Connecting the Relational Database using Linux Machine.

First we will creating a RDs database from Storage---> RDS.

Steps to follow.

A) Create a MySQL DB instance:

We will use Amazon RDS to create a MySQL DB Instance with db.t2.micro DB instance class, 20 GB

of storage, and automated backups enabled with a retention period of one day

a) On the top right corner of the Amazon RDS console, select the Region in which you want to create

the DB instance.

b) In the Create database section, choose Create database.

c) You now have options to select your engine. For this tutorial, click the MySQL icon, leave the

default value of edition and engine version, and select the Free Tier template.

d) You will now configure your DB instance. The list below

shows the example settings you can use for this tutorial:

e) Settings: DB instance identifier: Type a name for the DB instance that is unique for your account in

the Region that you selected.

Master username: Type a username that you will use to log in to your DB instance.Master password:

Type a password that contains from 8 to 41 printable ASCII characters (excluding /,", and @) for your

master user password.

Confirm password: Retype your password

f) Instance specifications: DB instance class: Select db.t2.micro --- 1vCPU, 1 GIB RAM. Storage type:

Select General Purpose (SSD). Allocated storage: Select the default of 20 to allocate 20 GB of

storage for your database.

Enable storage autoscaling: If your workload is cyclical or unpredictable, you would enable storage

autoscaling to enable RDS to automatically scale up your storage when


g) Connectivity

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Select Default VPC. For more information about VPC

h) Database options

Database name: Type a database name that is 1 to 64 alpha- numeric characters. If you do not provide a name, Amazon RDS will not automatically create a database on the DB instance you are creating. DB parameter group: Leave the default value. For more information, see Working with DB Parameter Groups.Option group: Leave the default value. Amazon

RDS uses option groups to enable and configure additional features. For more information, see

Working with Option Groups.

Now Step 2:

Create EC2 Linux Instances. go to first experiment. and Connect it.

Step 4: now to connect the database we need to create a local server on linux use following cmds to

create server.

Note: if not connect then go throug the default security group and then edit inbound rule

All trafic--->all TCP ---ip(anywhere). then save it

after some time it will be connected.

Step 5: Install mysql server and update the instance

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt install mysql-server

Step 5: Now create databse that will conects to the RDS DB instance.

mysql> create db student

mysql> use student;

mysql> create table student_class(




Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)

mysql> SHOW TABLE student_class;

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to

your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'student_class' at line 1

mysql> describe student_class;


| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |


| Name | varchar(20) | NO | | NULL | |

| TITLE | varchar(10) | NO| PRI | NULL | |


2 rows in set (0.00 sec)2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

to check that all things is good go to RDS database now click on monitering

we can see that all data traffic is working when we created a database on terminal.

Now we have done this to connecting with linux Instance with RDS DB instance.

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